Monday, March 25, 2013



1. EMOM 5m Complex @ 75% (210) x 1
     (Snatch Pull to Knees - Knees to 1" hover above floor - hover to hang - hang to just below knees hang snatch)

2. 1RM Snatch (full)
225-245-265 FFFF

*Far forward on my toes through the whole movement, sequencing seemed off today, very frustrating

3. Snatch Grip Push Press 3x3 as heavy as possible.
235-255-275x1 (hips were poor and missed the first rep)

All in all, today was a wash, had some difficulties sequencing and hitting rhythm on my snatch and it stretched throughout my movement. I am walking away from that session very frustrated, but a month ago 245 was my PR and I hit that easily. Keep pressing on.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8

Friday, March 22, 2013



WOD was 13.3 CFG:

12m AMRAP:
150 Wall Ball @ 20# (10')
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Up

252 Total Reps (12 MU).

Same score as last year's CFG 12.4. Not sure how I feel about that.

I cant get this song out of my head from church last night. Powerful.

"I will carry your name, Jesus your name, forever."

"I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you
    and extol your name for ever and ever." Psalm 145:1-2

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



Lately I feel like I can PR my snatch every time I pick up the barbell. I want to say that it has nothing to do with me, because I just follow someone else's programming that is infinitely smarter than I am. That being said, I will continue to follow Rudy's programming until the PR's stop, which is hopefully never.

1. VHH Snatch – 185-205-215 (failed 2nd rep)-225-235-245-255FF

After missing 255 twice, and since I was well underneath the bar, I decided that I will stack 260 on which is 5# over my full snatch PR(255). This was obviously a great idea, because I proceeded to miss 260 for 3 sets in a row, FF-FF-FF. Still feeling like I should own the platform and make the lift, I then decided to go for one more, because playing the odds, I was bound to make this lift EVENTUALLY.

I proceeded to make my lift at 260# for a 5# PR.

2. VHH Clean x2 + 1 PJ – (225-245-260-275-290CCFJ x 3)

Here's where I need some serious help/work. Even though my C&J is hovering right around 300#, I better figure out how to perform this lift. I have this vision of snatching 315, and it would be awkward to have a higher snatch than C&J. 

3.Conditioning - 23:36

For time-
3 rounds of:
20 KB Front Squats 24/16kg
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
20 KB Snatches (partition in any way) 24/16kg
Run 1 mile
3 rounds of:
15 KB Front Squats 24/16kg
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 KB Snatches (partition in any way) 24/16kg

"He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Today's Outlaw WOD destoyed me. I am writing this in the void where my work capacity should be. Today was all about exposed weakness - conditioning and work capacity. Days like today are humbling days, where you are left laying on the floor wondering why you ever got yourself into this. Then, I suppose, as you are laying there in a pool of sweat, you are wondering how you can work harder to come back stronger. Kinda ridiculous how the mind works, that no matter how much pain the body is in, the mind tells it to overcome.

1. EMOM for 5m 2 Clean & Jerk (full) @ 75% (235) then (no rest) 2m AMRAP Clean & Jerk @ 75%.
XX-XX-XX-XF then XXX .... Total 12/13.

2. HBBS 1x5 @85% (325)
               2x3 @90% (345)
               3x1@95% (365)

3. 4 Rounds for Total Working Time (1:1 Rest):
    Row 500m @ 90%
    14 lateral burpees (over barbell)
    7 Power Snatch @ 135#

3:53 - 4:06 - 4:06 - 3:56 = TWT 16:01

"The fear of the Lord leads to life;
    then one rests content, untouched by trouble." Proverbs 19:23

Monday, March 18, 2013



Today's WOD was squeezed into about 45 mins that I had before work.

1. 2 Snatches @ 80% (205) EMOM for 5 mins then (no rest) 2 min AMRAP max Snatches @ 80%
Rushed my reps on these misses, putting me out on my toes. 11/15 on these reps in total.

In an effort to maintain some level of consistency with the programmed workout over on Outlaw, I completed the following accessory work to finish up.
2. 3 x ME Ring Dips (25-22-15)
3. 3 x 15 Strict Pull up

"One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
    but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

Sunday, March 17, 2013




Imagination Is Everything

"You've got four limbs, two arms, two legs, feet, hands; and what do you use them for to walk to the train station, you know, to type on a keyboard. What is that? You've got all this potential, you're not using it. So what we're doing is were taking these, and were saying ' I wonder what I can come up with today with what I've been given.' "

Saturday, March 16, 2013



Dropped into Tallahassee Crossfit this morning at about 0900. Greg and Levi were gracious enough to let me do my own thing off to the side at their open gym. Before I get to that, I just want to say that box is LEGIT. They have fantastic equipment, atmosphere and dedicated members. I saw about 40 people roll through their door on a SATURDAY morning open gym, no class or scheduled WOD, but open gym. Love to see the life in that box, it was a great way to start my day. If you are ever in Tally, I would highly recommend stopping into this box!

Now, on to todays workout.

1. 20m to establish 1RM Snatch
95x3 - 135x1x3 - 165 - 185 - 225- 240 - 255PR

2. 20m to establish 1RM C&J
135 - 165 - 185 - 225 - 255- 275 - 295 failed jerk behind - 305 failed jerk in front - 310 PR clean, failed jerk behind

3. Front Squats: 1X8 @ 70%, 1X5 @ 75%, 2X3 @ 80%, 3X2 @ 85% – rest 60 seconds EXACTLY.

235 - 250 - 270 - 270 - 270  - 285 - 285 - 285

No video today, wish I did since I missed my last 3 jerks. All in all a great start to a day full of PR's.

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Friday, March 15, 2013



Yesterday was rest, been battling an ITB issue, mobility and ice, hate both but neither are as bad as shooting pain down the side of my calf.

Today's WOD looked something like this:

1. Crossfit Games 13.2 WOD -
5 - Shoulder to Overhead (115#)
10 - Deadlift (115#)
15 - Box Jump (24")

Thanks to Tanner Graham at CFJAX for letting me drop in and judging the workout for me. Went 273 total reps (9 rounds and 3 STO), not overly tired from that one compared to last week, where 13.1 had me feeling like my world was caving in around me. Anyway, felt as though I needed to do some more barbell work after....

So I came back to the house, and hit some high hang snatches. Was mainly trying to focus on some hips and speed under the bar, which had me a little off sync in my rhythm, but hopefully will allow me to make faster my new normal, instead of slow as my current fast.

2. HH Sn 5x3 75-80%

Video is posed above.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013



I have never tried to start a blog before, however, I felt it necessary after listening to the two latest podcasts from Barbell Shrugged and Weightlifting Talk (Jon North). As a current garage gym lifter, and someone who has no training partner or coach, the podcasts were talking about YouTube as a means of inspiration and a way to help solo athletes keep in the game mentally.

...And they couldn't be any more on point.

I can't count how many Westside, CrossFit, Cal Strength, Outlaw Way videos I have watched over and over and over, just to see how these athletes move and as a means of comparing my lifts without actually getting out there in person. I asked myself, "Why do I keep to myself in my little dungeon garage gym that I call "DJHQ"?" I realized that I only make contact with the rare guest that decides to drop by for a WOD every now and then(one every month or two would be a lot).  I decided that I could put parts of my WODs out on YouTube and maybe make an impact on someone's training day in a positive manner the way all of these other athletes have in mine.

Anyway, this is why I'm starting my blog, putting my training log on here and hopefully figure out how to get some videos of my lifts on YouTube and get this ball rolling.

I follow a version of the Outlaw Way ( that fits into my crazy schedule, equipment constraints, and burning desire to do conditioning (can you sense the sarcasm?). The following is the workout from today, and if I don't forget, fall asleep or lose total interest in posting already, I'll try and get video up of a couple lifts from today's session. I weigh 185lbs US and 84kg for the weightlifters.

*This is a day behind due to a hiccup in my schedule at work. As I always say, work constantly gets in the way of my WOD life.

WOD 3-13-13:
1x5@80% (305)
2x3@85% (320)
3x1@90% (340)

2. 7x1 - Pause First Pull  + 1 Clean & Jerk
225-245-265-285 (failed Jerk)-285-295(fail clean)-295

3. 4x3 - 1 1/4 Front Squat heaviest possible
225-255-275-285 (hit 2 then knew I wouldnt get the third, racked the weight for 20 seconds, hit the third)

That is all. Fairly solid day, esp since the clean complex is my current 1RM pr on C&J.

Finally got this vid up.