Getting after it on the platform following 5 days of traveling and dealing with some of the least organized businesses on earth. Without going into details, half of my trip to NYC/NJ area was filled with fantastic, stress-free, great times spent with friends and family. The other half made me contemplate traveling ever again, and I am pretty sure made me lose a few days on the end of my life. Just want to thank my fiance for stepping up when when dealing with the nonsense.
At the end of the day, we made it back with no regrets, poised and ready to bring the Lord his glory and to burn down some long standing PR's.
Split Jerk (from rack) - HP
Banded - 45(5), 95(3), 145(3), 185(2), 225(1)
No Band - 265(1), 280(1), 295(1)
Jerk Dips - 4x3 @ 365#
Bench Press 3x5@240#, 2x5@235